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2. Sistemas de cultivo y aplicaciones de las macroalgas

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2. Sistemas de cultivo y aplicaciones de las macroalgas

Recovering wasted nutrients from shrimp farming through the combined culture of polychaetes and halophytes

Daniel Jerónimo, Ana Isabel Lillebø, Javier Cremades, Paulo Cartaxana & Ricardo Calado.

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Unravelling the potential of halophytes for marine integrated multi-trophic aquaculture (IMTA)— a perspective on performance, opportunities and challenges

Marco Custódio, Sebastián Villasante, Javier Cremades, Ricardo Calado, Ana I. Lillebø.

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Saccharina latissima (Laminariales, Ochrophyta) farming in an industrial IMTA system in Galicia (Spain)

José R. C. Freitas Jr., Juan Manuel Salinas Morrondo & Javier Cremades Ugarte.

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Culture of the seaweed Ulva ohnoi integrated in a Solea senegalensis recirculating system: influence of light and biomass stocking density on macroalgae productivity

Joan Oca, Javier Cremades, Patricia Jiménez, José Pintado & Ingrid Masaló.

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Assessment of long-term effects of the macroalgae Ulva ohnoi included in diets on Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis) fillet quality

M.I. Sáeza, A. Vizcaínoa, A. Galafata, V. Anguís, C. Fernández-Díaz, M.C. Balebonac, F.J. Alarcóna, T.F. Martínez.

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UV Photoprotection, Cytotoxicity and Immunology Capacity of Red Algae Extracts

Félix Álvarez-Gómez, Nathalie Korbee, Virginia Casas-Arrojo, Roberto T. Abdala-Díaz and Félix L. Figueroa.

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Photoprotection properties of marine photosynthetic organisms grown in high ultraviolet exposure areas: Cosmeceutical applications

Geniane Schneidera, Félix L. Figueroab, Julia Vegab, Patricia Chavesb, Félix Álvarez-Gómezb, Nathalie Korbeeb, José Bonomi-Barufic.

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Cyanobacteria and Red Macroalgae as Potential Sources of Antioxidants and UV Radiation-Absorbing Compounds for Cosmeceutical Applications

Julia Vega, José Bonomi-Barufi, Juan Luis Gómez-Pinchetti and Félix L. Figueroa.

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Mycosporine-Like Amino Acids from Red Macroalgae: UVPhotoprotectors with Potential Cosmeceutical Applications

Julia Vega, Geniane Schneider, Bruna R. Moreira, Carolina Herrera, José Bonomi-Barufi and Félix L. Figueroa.

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Domesticated Populations of Codium tomentosum Display Lipid Extracts with Lower Seasonal Shifts than Conspecifics from theWild—Relevance for Biotechnological Applications of this Green Seaweed

Felisa Rey, Paulo Cartaxana, Tânia Melo, Ricardo Calado, Rui Pereira, Helena Abreu, Pedro Domingues, Sónia Cruz and M. Rosário Domingues.

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Halophyte Plants Cultured in Aquaponics Hold the Same Potential for Valorization as Wild Conspecifics from Donor Sites

Bruna Marques, Elisabete Maciel, Maria Rosário Domingues, Ricardo Calado and Ana Isabel Lillebø.

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LED Lighting and High-Density Planting Enhance the Cost-Efficiency of Halimione portulacoides Extraction Units for Integrated Aquaculture

Marco Custódio, Paulo Cartaxana , Sebastián Villasante, Ricardo Calado and Ana Isabel Lillebø.

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Influence of cultivation salinity in the nutritional composition, antioxidant capacity and microbial quality of Salicornia ramosissima commercially produced in soilless systems

Alexandre R. Limaa, Viana Castañeda-Loaizab, Miguel Salazarc, Carla Nunesc, Célia Quintasa, Florinda Gamaa, Maribela Pestanaa, Pedro J. Correiaa, Tamára Santosb, João Varelab, Luísa Barreirab.

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Nutritional and Functional Evaluation of Inula crithmoides and Mesembryanthemum nodiflorum Grown in Different Salinities for Human Consumption

Alexandre R. Lima, Florinda Gama, Viana Castañeda-Loaiza, Camila Costa, Lisa M. Schüler, Tamára Santos, Miguel Salazar, Carla Nunes, Rui M. S. Cruz, João Varela and Luísa Barreira.

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The effect of short-term preharvest strategies on the carbon constituents of Ulva ohnoi M. Hiraoka et S. Shimada

Erik-jan Malta & Rocky de Nys.

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Short-term effects of increased CO2, nitrate and temperature on photosynthetic activity in Ulva rigida (Chlorophyta) estimated by different pulse amplitude modulated fluorometers and oxygen evolution

Felix L. Figueroa, Jose Bonomi-Barufi, Paula S.M. Celis-Plá, Udo Nitschke, Francisco Arenas, Solene Connan, Maria Helena Abreu, Erik-J. Malta, Rafael Conde-Álvarez, Fungyi Chow, Maria Teresa Mata, O. Meyerhoff, Daniel Robledo and Dagmar B. Stengel.

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Azorean macroalgae (Petalonia binghamiae, Halopteris scoparia and Osmundea pinnatifida) bioprospection: a study of fatty acid profiles and bioactivity

Campos, A.M., Matos, J., Afonso, C., Gomes, R., Bandarra, N.M. and Cardoso, C. 2019.

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Bioaccessibility of target essential elements and contaminants from Fucus spiralis

Francisco, J., Cardoso, C., Bandarra, N., Brito, P., Horta, A., Pedrosa, R., Gil, M.M., Delgado, I.M., Castanheira, I. and Afonso, C. 2018

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Integrated valorization of Sargassum muticum in biorefineries

Noelia Flórez-Fernández, Marta Illera, Marta Sánchez, Pablo Lodeiro, María Dolores Torres, María Elvira López-Mosquera, Manuel Soto, Manuel Sastre de Vicente, Herminia Domínguez

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The microwave assisted extraction sway on the features of antioxidant compounds and gelling biopolymers from Mastocarpus stellatus

E. Ponthiera, H. Domínguez, M.D. Torresa

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Seaweed biorefinery

D. Torres, Stefan Kraan, Herminia Domínguez

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Influence of pH, N, P, N: P Ratio, and Dissolved Inorganic Carbon on Ulva ohnoi Growth and Biomass Quality: Potential Implications in IMTA-RAS

Ahmed Alamrousi, Eduardo Casais, Érika García-Cardesín, Ingrid Masaló , José Pintado and Javier Cremades*

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Chapter 23. Wastewater Cultivated Macroalgae as a Bio-resource in Agriculture

Maja Berden Zrimec , Erik Malta, Martha Bonnet Dunbar, Ana Cerar, Robert Reinhardt, and Rok Mihelič

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